T: 01666 826456

E: horse@georgevetgroup.co.uk

To register your horse with The George Equine Vets

Please complete the form below and "submit". Our terms and conditions of business are available here.

Your personal data will NOT be shared with any third party without your express prior consent.

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Your First Name *
Your Surname *
Your Date of Birth *
Your Address *
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Contact Number *
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Horse(s) Stable Name *
Registered Name
Your Horse's Year of Birth
Sex *
If previously registered elsewhere, please state at which veterinary practice
Yard Address *
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Equine Newsletter - Spring 24

17-04-2024 - Meghan Moore BVM BVS MRCVS

Body condition scroring - With Spring grass on its way, this is a good time to body condition score your Equine to see if they are at optimum weight! ...

Autumn newsletter from the equine team

16-11-2023 - Meghan Moore BVM BVS MRCVS

Introductions, goodbyes and another Client Evening just around the corner...

Equine newsletter - Summer 23

23-06-2023 - Jenny Hindmarsh MRCVS

What have we been up to, and what's ahead? Find out more in our latest newsletter along with articles on laminitis and cracked feet....