Farm - 02-08-2024 - Sarah Smith BVetMed(Hons) MRCVS - 0 comments
Maximising AI results


Are your AI results not quite what you would hope?

Many things can impact conception rate on farm, from nutritional issues, disease, to any form of stress, and it can be a difficult figure to improve.
One relatively quick and easy thing which may have a surprising effect is to have an AI refresher on farm. We have completed quite a few of these recently with some really rewarding results.

The refreshers cover semen handling and placement. We use artificial straws filled with cream which is visible on the scanner so that accurate placement can be assessed. This provides much more detailed feedback than just checking placement manually, which is really important in fine tuning technique. 

Find out about some recent successes by reading the newsletter in full above.



Deaths from Lungworm seen in the last couple of weeks. 

In the last couple of weeks we have seen numerous cases of clinical lungworm in cattle. The risk is extra high this year due to the wet conditions. 

First season grazing animals are most at risk, but animals can be affected at all stages if they have a period where there is no exposure, leading to a drop in immunity. Disease patterns are more difficult to predict than with gut worms and we often see disease on farms that have never seen issues with the disease in the past meaning it is easy to get caught out.

Affected animals will show difficulty breathing and often, but not always, the classic 'husk' cough. Disease can progress from relatively mild signs to severe disease and death within a couple of days and with risk of secondary infection, losses can be high. 

The current newsletter explores how to spot the disease and how to prevent it!

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