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TB discussion in the Veterinary Press

03-07-2024 - Ben Sellick BVSc MRCVS

'It is impossible to meet our officially bTB-free targets with the current testing policy'  - a statement recently made in an opinion piece submitted to the Vet Record.     ...

Beef newsletter - Grazing planning for a tricky season

27-06-2024 -

Making the most of the grazing is the most financially impactful step a livestock farm can make. Grazing grass is the cheapest feed stuff, yet it can be full of quality nutrition for growing stock as well as suckler cows.  ...

Why it's important to calibrate your Brix refractometer

17-06-2024 - Kat Hart BVSc BSc Cert AVP(Cattle) MRCVS

Kat Hart features in the latest FARMERS WEEKLY on the importance of cleaning and calibrating a Brix refractometer every time it is used....

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