Farm - 11-03-2024 - Ben Sellick BVSc MRCVS - 0 comments
Sheep Newsletter- Key performance indicators and Schmallenberg update

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Planning ahead

The data you record is only as useful as you make it. Taking the time to analyse and learn from your flock's performance will help inform future management, breeding and culling decisions. AHDB have some useful online resources, including the KPI review table within the newsletter link above.

Time constraints often form a barrier for thorough data analysis and interpretation. We often see flocks gathering information through a lambing season that could be used to help make better decisions for the following year, but a lack of time means management decisions are not as informed as they could be. I would urge you to build in to your year planner dedicated time slots to routinely review flock performance with your vet. Suggested periods for review would include pre-tupping, pre-lambing, post-lambing and post-weaning. These reviews with your vets may appear as a substantial short-term cost, but using us to help inform those decisions for the future of your flock will improve flock profitability through reductions in emergency interventions and 'hidden' losses. 

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