Pig - 10-11-2021 - - 0 comments
GVG Medicines Training Course

Revised Red Tractor Assurance Scheme Standards
Those of you that are Red Tractor assured should be aware of the introduction of the revised standards as of 1st November 2021. We will be there to help you achieve compliance with the new standards both at your visits and in between so please contact the practice with any queries that you have, and we will do our best to help you resolve them.

The standards were circulated to all members earlier in the summer but if you haven't had a read of them yet now is a good time to have a look.  You can access the standards, the summary of key revisions and checklists through the Red Tractor website

Pig standards document   


To enable you to meet some of the changes, we are pleased to confirm that we have a Red Tractor approved medicines training course.  This course will enable you to meet the new requirement: 


At least one person who is responsible for overseeing use of medicines on the unit has undertaken training and holds a certificate of competence/attendance from training  undertaken since January 2018"

andRed Tractor approved GVG medicines training course"AM.3.1.a

Training course covers at least:

- medicine types
- antibiotic classes
- medicine handling, administration and storage
- recording requirements
- avoiding residues
- antimicrobial resistance
- responsible use of antibiotics"

This course is designed to be delivered either in person, or virtually allowing flexibility for both you and us. The course has taken time considerable time and effort to draw together, to achieve approval and to deliver. There will be a small charge per person to complete this course.

On satisfactory completion you will provided with a certificate of competence/ attendance with which you be able to demonstrate compliance with the new standard.

Please contact the office to book your course.




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