Equine - 04-04-2023 - Joanna Gillingham BVSc MRCVS - 0 comments
Spring newsletter from The Equine Vets


Upcoming events - Wednesday May 10thBody condition and weight clinic @ Garsdon.
Includes nutrition consultation with Clare MacLeod. Follow our social media or email us to book. £25/horse 

Vittoria Panizzon Talk
We hosted a very successful evening at The Tetbury Goods Shed with Italian Event Rider- Vittoria Panizzon. It was very insightful to hear about her experiences at Olympic Games, including her humour towards Great Britain.We are organising an evening at Vittoria's yard with time to fit in the Q&A's from the evening- there will be limited tickets available so watch your emails & our social media to book your spot. 

Mud Fever Advice
We have seen a number of mud fever cases this winter season and know it can be challenging to deal with. So here's our top tips..... 

  • Keep legs as dry as possible.  Hosing them off can actually be detrimental to skin health, allowing the mud to dry and brushing off is much better.
  • If you have to wash their legs off make sure you towel dry (patting rather than vigorous rubbing) to ensure they aren't left damp.
  • Clipping any excess hair away from the mud fever lesions can be helpful 
  • Soak away any scabs gently with dilute hibi scrub. If they won't budge soaking the scabs with vaseline & covering the leg with cling film for a few hours can help to soften the scabs.
  • Apply George Equine Vets Mud Fever Cream directly to the skin once the scabs have been removed.
  •  Always treat rapidly as it can lead to painful conditions such as cellulitis.
  • See our website "Common Equine Skin Conditions" factsheet  

Finally we are here to help, do give us a call  if you would like any advice. 01666 826456 


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