Farm - 01-09-2022 - - 0 comments
Biosecurity on farm

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Biosecurity isn't all Hazmat suits and yellow boots, it is a vital aspect of profitable livestock farming in which we all have a role to play. In the light of the recent confirmed NEGATIVE foot and mouth scare, it has highlighted the topic once again.  One way to minimise the likelihood of disease in your animals is to prevent it getting on farm in the first place. Some of the diseases which we are most concerned about are:  

  • TB
  • BVD
  • IBR
  • Johnes
  • Neospora
  • Staph aureus 
  • Leptospirosis 
  • Digital dermatitis 

The list above is not exclusive but biosecurity plans / measures will impact any disease on farm.  

Whether you are disease free or not, preventing new infections is beneficial to health, welfare and production.

Purchasing new stock is one of the biggest ways to introduce new disease onto your farm. It's not just buying in seemingly 'sick' animals that brings in these diseases. Many of those listed above have few clinical signs in their early stages and can act as carriers to the rest of the herd. When buying new cattle, collecting as much information about the farm from where they have come from is a vital step in biosecurity. Finding out history of grazing, parasite treatments, vaccinations and herd disease status from the farm or even getting in contact with the vet for that farm are a way to protect from buying in infected stock. Please do contact us prior to purchasing new stock for advice and testing. 


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